키마 작가는 꽃, 나무, 동물과 같은 자연을 자신만의 회화적 언어로 풀어내어 쾌활하고 풍성한 색채를 가진 신비로운 추상 세계를 만들어낸다.
꽃과 동물들에 둘러싸인 유년기를 보낸 작가는 이를 자신의 작품 주제로 등장시키는데 그녀에게는 땅이든 하늘이든 창가로 들어오는 바람이든 햇살이든 모든 곳에서 다가오는 감성이 집적되어 캔버스 위에 다채로운 회화적 텍스쳐와 풍미를 남긴다.
Kima translates nature such as flowers, trees, and animals into her own pictorial language and through free, tranquil and independent living things she creates a mystical abstract world full of color.
The artist, who grew up in a hanok with a garden and animals around, deals with nature as the theme of her artwork. Whether it is from the earth, sky or wind blowing through the window she gathers all the emotions on to the canvas and creates a colorful pictorial texture and taste.
Kima's paintings are a world of fantasy that embraces infinite nature and imagination. The
colorful characters are full of life as if they are about to pop right out of the canvas and variations of life and continuity of time guides us from reality to childhood fantasy.